
2024-03-20 情感 86阅读 投稿:痴情



Let's get married.



I want to spend eternity with you. Let's get married.


If you still have fear for marriage, I will wait for you, until one day you say to me:honey. let's get married.



①Dear,we get married.

②Dear,let's get married.



Dear,we get married.


I love you forever! Yao Minjia! We get married!

3.如果你对婚姻仍有恐惧,我等你。直到有一天你对我说:亲爱的,我们结婚吧。If you still have fear for marriage,I will wait for you,until one day you say to me:honey.let's get married.


1.你今天很漂亮.You're so beautiful today.2.你疯了吗?Aren't you crazy?3.我真的好想你.I really miss you.4.我帮你拎东西吧.Let me help yuu to carry it.5.我们结婚吧!Let's be man and wife.6.你愿意嫁给我吗?Are you willing to be my wife?7.你说的是真的吗?Are you serious?8.是的,小姐.Yes.Miss.9.好久不见了.Long time no see.10.用拥抱来代替讲话,好吗?A hug is more than words,do you think so?。


我们结婚吧Let's get married.例句:我想永远跟你在一起,我们结婚吧。

I want to spend eternity with you. Let's get married. 如果你对婚姻仍有恐惧,我等你。直到有一天你对我说:亲爱的,我们结婚吧。

If you still have fear for marriage, I will wait for you, until one day you say to me:honey. let's get married。.。

5.我们结婚吧 英语怎么说

Let's get married. 例句: Just wait for the time, the feeling is just fine, let's get married! 等时间刚刚好,感情刚刚好,我们结婚吧! get married的用法 1、释义 结婚 2、例句 I hope one day we will get married then have couples of kids. 我希望我们总有一天能订婚, 结婚, 然后有一堆的小孩。

扩展资料 关于结婚的其他单词 1、anniversary - the day of your wedding, celebrated by married couples 纪念日——夫妻一起庆祝结婚的日子 Our anniversary is coming up next week. What should I get her? 我们的结婚纪念日下周就要到了。我该给她买什么好呢? 2、marriage - the state of being married 结婚——已婚的状态 Their marriage is very good. They've been married for twenty years. 他们的婚姻十分美满。

他们结婚已经二十年了。 3、wedding - the ceremony during which people get married 婚礼——结婚时举行的仪式 The wedding was lovely. I couldn't help crying a little. 他们的婚礼布置得好可爱。

我都忍不住流泪了。 4、matrimony - the state of being married (used less commonly than 'marriage') 结婚——已婚的状态(比marriage使用的频率小) The matrimony withheld the test of time. 婚姻要经受得住时间的考验。
